The Flea47 And Flea12 Were Compared To Other Prestigious Microphone In The Studio Of Philippe Labroue In Paris.

Philippe Labroue (sound engineer) Francois Staman (electronic engineer at AETA Audio System) Alain Le Kim (Film director, mainly documentaries) Alexis Bock (from audiovisual facilities "Dubbing Brothers" in Paris) Christophe from Audio Addict (french distributor for FLExible Audio)

Paris, France

 Extracts from Philippe Labroue’s review:

“The manufacturer of the Flea12 and 47 are true instrument makers and they have achieved near perfect copies of the original AKG C12 and Neumann U47, that were currently in use during the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s in most recording studios. “The shape and the weight of the Flea microphones are almost identical to the originals (as I recall them) et the accessories (power supply, suspension, connectors) are also reproduced very faithfully. I must add that the connections and wires are newly manufactured… “The Flea12 was the most revealing microphone at both ends of the frequency range. High frequency beyond 10kHz was extraordinary, offering a unique definition for a large diameter capsule. As for bottom response, the vibrations of the city of Paris could be heard, meaning the Microphone was operative below 50Hz. No excess, no agressiveness, a rich presence of the harmonics: the sound of the voice was beautiful… “As for the Flea47, we found exactly the qualities of the tube Neumann U47 microphone: clarity, presence boost and punch… The precision at the high end is just what is needed for all sorts of production, be it voice, foley effects for movie production, or music. “I think it will not be necessary to EQ this microphone, it will give its best with no corrections… “The advantage, as I perceive it, would be set in the 4 to 8kHz and in the perfect clarity at 1 to 1,5 kHz… “These are new microphones, therefore, as for all capsules, I think that in time their color will change, depending of their use, but also the aging of the components; however the sound can improve, given the fact that the manufacturing looks precise and durable.”

Extracts from Alain Le Kim’s review:

“The Flea12 goes higher than the other microphones, with an exceptionnal accuracy and sweetness, but the Flea47 has the punch and the presence that no other of his prestigious contenders could match. These new comers in the high end microphone market are truly exceptionnal works of art. Accuracy of sonic restitution and manufacturing quality define these beautiful tools. The care in the finish, at all levels, can be heard in the fullness of their sound. I must stop this flow of compliments at the risk of being seen as biased. Well I am! It does not mean that the Neumann U67, U47fet, U87 and even KM84, were not performing well. The level was simply extremely high!”

Francois Staman wrote:

“These dream machines have taken us into another world, where feelings, hidden impressions, and all the emotion conveyed by a voice can be expressed with exceptionnal luminosity, precision, clarity and resolution… “Just like well processed photography, when all the shades of grey can reveal a whole atmosphere.”

Alexis Bock said :

“Among all the microphones tested, I have a preference for the Flea12, for its very controlled restitution of the space and air…”
That’s about it!!


What Other Flea12, Flea47 Owners Say...

FLEA50, FLEA12, Chris Fogel, USA


“You’ll be happy to know that my Fleas were all over the Oppenheimer score!”

FLEA12, Mike Valentine, London


“Recently I have had the pleasure of recording here in London, the Bach Cello Suites. The