U47, M49 Parts, Hardware – Matthias Flache, Germany

Matthias Flach


 I received the mic parts last week. Thank you!
This is the first time I hold the work you (Flea) do in my hands and I have to make you a big compliment.
The quality and the exact and detailed work is really impressing.
Great job !!!


FLEA50, FLEA12, Chris Fogel, USA


“You’ll be happy to know that my Fleas were all over the Oppenheimer score!”

FLEA ELA M 251, Rene Laflamme, Canada


“Just did a recording.It was a very real and beautiful sound with your mic’s.”

FLEA49, Chris Allen, NY USA


…I used my Flea49 on Samara Joy’s vocals on the 2023 Grammy nominated “Linger Awhile”