Flea47, Flea12, Pair Of Flea50 – Image Et Son, Switzerland

George Vassilev and Jean-Claude Gaberel


 We could test all the mics on the grand piano this morning in many possible configurations and I could say, we are extremely happy with the result! After warming up the mics and the power supplies during the last night, it was quickly evident that your stuff did a great job! There is an emotion while hearing to the FLEA’s, fortunately they did not sound at all as modern microphones did, they are very warm, present, detailed, beautiful and never aggressive in any register. All this, combined together with the build quality, which is amazing, makes us very found of your conception about how those mics should sound. The Flea50’s are very warm, rich and musical (just gorgeous!), we loved the Flea12 also very much (beautiful, signing and transparent), as well as the Flea47 ( full, detailed and very present in the middle range).
For me the main characteristics of the FLEA’s are: warmth, fullness, presence, detail, relief and the most important – musicality, they makes music and tell a story. Mr. Gaberel says he never heard such a wonderful result from a modern microphone manufacturer while trying to rebuild an old mic (and he already tested more or less everything on the market, believe me …). The modern mics we have sound great for sure, but they are different, precise but less moving for my taste in general, that’s why it’s extremely important for us to have such a tools as the FLEA’s. We have demonstrated the four FLEA’s during a recording session as well afterwards, many people was charmed and impressed by their sonic qualities.
On the grand piano the FLEA’s 50 sounds amazing, on the violin we preferred the Flea12 but we are convinced that every set-up is a combination between a microphone, instrument and player. The musician himself influence very much the final result by the way he produce the sound. Once again, thank you very much for your wonderful work!!!


What Other Flea12, Flea47, Flea50 Owners Say...

FLEA50, FLEA12, Chris Fogel, USA


“You’ll be happy to know that my Fleas were all over the Oppenheimer score!”

FLEA12, Mike Valentine, London


“Recently I have had the pleasure of recording here in London, the Bach Cello Suites. The